
20 lug 2020

Amedeo Minghi [ io non ti lascerò mai ] HD & SD

I will never let you go

We were at a step from us
for a thousand years on the edge of the heart
wasted by all the pain
in that hurt silence that you are
how many times I would say yes
seeing some memories end
I haven't courage to make them fade away
letting only a love like this
that looks still like us
and shines like a diamond
shines here for us
I will never let you go
where you are
I will never lose you
and all the time that I would
I will never let you go
because I couldn't
I will never let you go
never let you go
I will never let you go from the world
anyway where you are I hear you
I will never lose you really
don't expect that I could
I will never let you go I think of you
in every day you are forever
I will never lt you go
never let you go.
That soft breathe you have
the chest's wave that goes up and down
and while I'm dreaming I think of you and it hurts
we were another life
now I'm learning for sure
to stay in the world
still here for us.

4 apr 2019

Lisa Gerard [lost love]

Lisa Gerard
[lost love]
I spent my life looking into your eyes, it is the only place in the body where perhaps a soul still exists .. If we were in contact with our deep heart, that is the real place of the spirit, in what I imagine something I can't do to see. What makes magic the life I would like for not seeing you crushed by the crowd .. Our goal is never a place, but rather a new way of seeing things ... And yet you know that place and time are propitious, that look wait for you.
You can't keep paying for your silences ... A laugh is looking for you, it's already there, with you, your visibility your stereotypes that we parents of autistic children try to smooth everyday with this reality ... and often these children are excluded from many activities precisely because they do not know how to manage their behaviors and their unpredictability, depending on how they perceive the environment around them .. participation is the only prerequisite for communication; no one to talk to, no reason to communicate. This is the autism we try to make visible by looking beyond those nuances of our life and invisible to so many of you.
The love you have felt and with them .. generates understanding, Sensitivity, Courage, Determination and Strength. Within that soul there is their story ..
Identifying oneself in a person with Autism is a unique undertaking that can also lead you to one of the most bitter of days ... with them you see how many trivial claims there are in life ... they make so many other problems simple rubbish .. outside of these blessed walls no one takes the luxury of dedicating them a little time ..
sorry world but you know that we parents that because we have children with problems we have to suffer and suffer .. around the indifference of others or almost all ..

23 dic 2018

[ Marco Mengoni Hola (I Say) ft. Tom Walker ] HD & 4K

               the thoughts of the soul
I used to be a little better at dancing on my own
Before you put your arms around me
Swept the world beneath my feet
And I was just a dreamer living easy, not a penny to my name
Drink away the lonely days, that was ‘til you came my way
Ero un po’ più bravo a ballare da solo
Prima che tu mi abbracciassi
Spazzando via il mondo ai miei piedi
E io ero solo un sognatore dalla vita facile, e neanche un centesimo in tasca
Annegando nell’alcol i giorni di solitudine, finché non sei arrivata nella mia vita
And you said “Hola, hola”
I don’t remember anymore
You said “Hola, hola”
But I’m sure that wasn’t all
E mi hai detto “ciao, ciao”
Non ricordo più
E mi hai detto “ciao, ciao”
Ma sono sicuro che fosse tutto
[Verse 2 / Strofa 2: Marco Mengoni]
E tu che mi tiravi su con dei film stupidi
Senza dire una parola
E non mi capirai mai, né domani né ora
E tu preferivi la tv che starmi vicino
E come fai a vivere se
Attorno al cuore hai il muro di Berlino?
Facevo delle pause lunghe una volta
Ma ridere e ascoltarti per ore, non mi basta
Ballavi Latino-Americano una volta
Senza tenere il tempo
Come quando c’è casino ad una festa
[Verse 3 / Strofa 3: Tom Walker]
And I never was much good at watching movies with subtitles
But with you, I didn’t mind it
And I guess that’s the cliché
‘Cause now that you’re gone I can’t watch films without them
Ain’t the same on this sofá when there’s no one to hold ya’
E io non sono mai stato bravo a guardare film con i sottotitoli
Ma con te non mi dispiaceva e immagino che questo sia un luogo comune
Perché adesso che sei andata via non posso più guardare i film senza
Non è più la stessa cosa su questo divano
Quando non c’è nessuno che ti abbraccia
[Chorus / Ritornello: Tom Walker, Both]
Guess I wasted my time trying to learn Spanish
The only thing I can say is “Hola, hola”
“Hola, Hola, hey”
Is “Hola, Hola, hey”
Is “Hola, Hola, hey”
Is “Hola, Hola”
Immagino di aver perso solo tempo cercando di imparare lo spagnolo
L’unica cosa che so dire è “Ciao, ciao”
“Ciao, ciao, hey”
E’ “Ciao, ciao, hey”
E’ “Ciao, ciao, hey”
E’ “Ciao, ciao”
[Bridge: Marco Mengoni]
E tu che mi tiravi su con dei film stupidi
Senza dire una parola
E non mi capirai mai, né domani né ora
E tu preferivi la tv che starmi vicino
E come fai a vivere se
Attorno al cuore hai il muro di Berlino?
[Chorus / Ritornello: Tom Walker, Both]
Guess I wasted my time trying to learn Spanish
The only thing I can say is “Hola, hola”
“Hola, Hola, hey”
“Hola, Hola, hey”
“Hola, Hola, hey”
“Hola, Hola, hey”
Immagino di aver perso solo tempo cercando di imparare lo spagnolo
L’unica cosa che so dire è “Ciao, ciao”
“Ciao, ciao, hey”
“Ciao, ciao, hey”
“Ciao, ciao, hey”
“Ciao, ciao, hey”

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